Top Signs Your Cooling System is in Trouble
Published on
March 4, 2024
A vehicle's cooling system is quite significant for the vehicle's overall performance. A faulty cooling system could mean that your vehicle is in danger of overheating. And not seeing the signs early enough could mean that your vehicle is a fire hazard and could burn up at any point of the overheating.
Five Signs of a Bad Cooling System
1. Smoke from Engine
Seeing your vehicle's engine smoke is one of the most obvious signs that your cooling system is not functioning effectively. If you noticed this while driving it is a very important that you stop your vehicle on the side of the road and proceed to take the necessary steps. The necessary steps would be of course to cool down your vehicle by adding coolant.
2. High Temperature on Temperature Gauge
If you notice the temperature on your vehicles temperature gauge suddenly go up and reach the red zone and this is another obvious sign that your vehicle's cooling system is malfunctioning. Once again stop your vehicle and contact a professional mechanic to come and assist you. Your mechanic will tell you whether or not it is safe for you to continue driving your vehicle.
3. Your Coolant is Low
If your vehicle's coolant is low then it will not function effectively to cool down your vehicle. If you notice that your coolant drops all of a sudden make sure to contact a mechanic immediately and have them inspect your vehicle for the problem.
4. Leaking Coolant
It is very important to regularly check your vehicle for any leaking fluids such as leaking coolant. The best place to check is the area where your vehicle is parked most. If you notice any brightly colored fluid on the floor who did you contact a mechanic to have a look at your vehicle.
5. White Smoke
White smoke coming from your vehicle's exhaust is a sign of cooling system problems. It means that your coolant is burning up inside the combustion chamber of your vehicle. So if you noticed any weirdly colored smoke coming from your exhaust, take the necessary steps to have it checked out and fixed.
If you need cooling system repair we invite you to bring your vehicle to one of our locationstoday!